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The impact of the graft T-cell dose on the outcome of allogeneic human leukocyte antigen-matched peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.

Study #: GV16-02

Study Status: Published


2018, ASH (Poster)

Impact of T cell dose on outcome of T cell-replete HLA-matched allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.


Saad A, Lamb L, Wang T, Hemmer M, Spellman S, Couriel D, Alousi A, Pidala J, Abdel-Azim H, Agrawal V, Aljurf M, Beitinjaneh AM, Bhatt VR, Buchbinder D, Byrne M, Cahn J-Y, Cairo M, Castillo P, Chhabra S, Diaz MA, Farhan S, Floisand Y, Frangoul HA, Gadalla SM, Gajewski J, Gale RP, Gandhi M, Gergis U, Hamilton BK, Hematti P, Hildebrandt GC, Kamble RT, Kanate AS, Khandelwal P, Lazaryan A, MacMillan M, Marks DI, Martino R, Mehta PA, Nishihori T, Olsson RF, Patel SS, Qayed M, Rangarajan HG, Reshef R, Ringden O, Savani BN, Schouten HC, Schultz KR, Seo S, Shaffer BC, Solh M, Teshima T, Urbano-Ispizua A, Verdonck LF, Vij R, Waller EK, William B, Wirk B, Yared JA, Yu LC, Arora M, Hashmi S.

Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation: Journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2019, Sep 01: 25(9): 25(9):1875-1883. doi: 10.1016/j.bbmt.2019.05.007. Epub 2019, May 11. PMCID:PMC7071947.


PMID: 31085303
