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Transplantation for children with acute myeloid leukemia: a comparison of outcomes with reduced intensity and myeloablative regimens.

Study #: PC10-01

Study Status: Published

Transplantation for children with acute myeloid leukemia: A comparison of outcomes with reduced intensity and myeloablative regimens.


Bitan M, He W, Zhang M-J, Abdel-Azim H, Ayas MF, Bielorai B, Carpenter PA, Cairo MS, Diaz MA, Horan JT, Jodele S, Kitko CL, Schultz KR, Kletzel M, Kasow KA, Lehmann LE, Mehta PA, Shah N, Pulsipher MA, Prestidge T, Seber A, Shenoy S, Woolfrey AE, Yu LC, Davies SM.

Blood. 2014, Mar 06: 123(10): 123(10):1615-1620. doi: 10.1182/blood-2013-10-535716. Epub 2014, Jan 16. PMCID:PMC3945869.


PMID: 24435046
