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Propose a Working Committee Study

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How to Propose a Working Committee Study

CIBMTR supports investigators in conducting observational studies in cellular therapies. Anyone willing to actively participate in the conduct of the study and follow the study development and management process may propose a study. The Study Proposal Outline will help you prepare your proposal for submission. You may then submit your proposal here: CIBMTR Study Proposal Form.

Proposal preparation

Prior to submitting a proposal, we strongly encourage investigators to review:

This information will assist you in identifying existing research and avoid duplication of work already accomplished or those in progress.

Proposal submission and review process

Submit your proposal to the CIBMTR Coordinating Center through the CIBMTR Study Proposal Formto be considered for discussion at a Working Committee meeting. A staff member will assign your proposal a number and forward it to the Working Committee Scientific Director and the Statistician, who reviews the proposal for feasibility with CIBMTR data and potential conflict with active studies. The Statistician then forwards the proposal to the Working Committee Chairs for discussion.

NOTE: If the study requires biological samples from the Research Sample Repository, in addition to the review process described here, investigators must include a biosketch or brief curriculum vitae documenting experience in the laboratory methods proposed. The NMDP Institutional Review Board must also review proposed studies before samples can be distributed.

If the study requires patient-reported outcomes (PRO) data collected by CIBMTR, the proposal should include: 1) A detailed description of the PRO domains, timepoints, and proposed analysis of PROs; 2) A description of the hypothesis specific to PROs.

For additional information regarding which PRO measures have been collected and timepoints of collection, please reach out to the PRO leadership team.

Request CIBMTR Information

To aid in clinical decision-making, protocol development, or other information-specific needs, CIBMTR offers access to descriptive statistics for populations of interest and/or a univariate analysis of overall survival. These data are available to investigators, physicians, corporations, and individuals worldwide upon request.

Request Information