In Memory of Riccardo Saccardi
By Marcelo Pasquini, MD, MS
Our esteemed colleague, Riccardo Saccardi, MD, passed away on February 19, 2024, in Florence, Italy. Riccardo is recognized as a tireless advocate for the use of transplantation to treat autoimmune diseases. His contributions spanned from his work at the Careggi Hospital in Florence to many national and international collaborations through his work with EBMT and CIBMTR. He also researched cord blood transplantation and helped to set standards for transplant center performance across Europe through EBMT’s benchmarking project.
As past chair of EBMT’s Autoimmune Diseases Working Party (2004-2010), Riccardo dedicated his life to improving patient care. His leadership was marked by a commitment to collaboration, evident in the numerous studies he spearheaded and the international partnerships he fostered in the fields of transplantation, neurology, and rheumatology.
But beyond his professional accolades, Riccardo's gentle demeanor, congenial nature, and unwavering dedication left an indelible mark on all who knew him.
Reflecting on our shared experiences, I recall my early days at CIBMTR when I met Riccardo, where we faced the daunting task of harmonizing data collection on multiple sclerosis between CIBMTR and EBMT. Despite the challenges, Riccardo's vision and collaborative spirit prevailed. Together, with esteemed colleagues like Paolo Muraro and Harry Atkins among others, we conducted the largest study on transplantation for multiple sclerosis, which garnered recognition, such as the prestigious Van Bekkum Award from EBMT at the 2013 Annual Meeting. Through discussions and research mostly led by Riccardo, it impacted the field through the recognition of transplantation as an effective treatment for multiple sclerosis and stimulated the development of a clinical trial concept that eventually became the BEAT-MS trial.
Outside the confines of his work, Riccardo found solace in sailing, regaling us with tales of his adventures in beautiful locales. As Riccardo sets sail on his final journey to the heavenly shores, may his legacy continue to inspire us, reminding us of the profound impact one person can have in shaping the world for the better. Farewell, dear friend, and may you find eternal peace in the arms of the ocean you so dearly loved.

For the presentation of EBMT’s Van Bekkum Award, Dr. Paolo Muraro paid homage to our Florentine leader affectionally referring to him as Riccardus Medicci.
Spring Cleaning: A Season of Renewal in Science and Life
By Michael Verneris, MD

As winter's grasp relinquishes its hold and we begin to thaw, a sense of renewal permeates the air. Spring is a season of transformation, a time when winter finally abates and the warmth of the sun makes the bulbs in my yard all come to life. This period of transition is not only evident in the natural world, but also in both my personal and professional lives, as I engage in the annual ritual of spring cleaning – a symbolic act of clearing out the old to make way for the new.
For many, spring cleaning is a time to declutter our homes and to rearrange the clothes in our closets to make it easier to reach the shorts, T-shirts, and flip-flops. It’s a time to scrub away the dust and grime that has accumulated over the long winter months, to rake up the leaves that fell after the first snowfall, and to cut the ornamental grasses that bring a little life to the yard as the snow falls. Yet, beyond the physical act of tidying up my yard, spring cleaning holds a deeper significance. It serves as a metaphor for the process of self-reflection and renewal, prompting me to assess priorities, to discard what is no longer worth pursuing, and to make room for growth and possibility.
In my professional life, spring cleaning takes on a different form but embodies a similar spirit of renewal and rejuvenation. As both a clinical and laboratory researcher, I engage in the cyclical nature of scientific inquiry – a process that, in some strange way, mirrors the changing seasons. As winter gives way to spring, I find myself looking back at the notes I took at the ASH Annual Meeting and the Tandem Meetings. I so look forward to these meetings as a time to catch up with old friends and to hear about the latest science, which always serves as a catalyst of ideas that sometimes challenge my assumptions and other times inspires new avenues of investigation.
As I embark on my annual review of the notes I took at these meetings, I am struck by the familiar pattern that unfolds. Roughly one-third of the information I encounter is already known to me. Another third are random fragments of sentences or incomplete concepts or drawings that defy interpretation and, frankly, I have no recollection of what I was trying to transcribe. And finally, the remaining third is made up of ideas and insights that re-ignite my imagination and lead me to consider new research endeavors.
The beginning of a new project is always imbued with a sense of excitement and possibility, fueled by the prospect of generating new knowledge or making a meaningful impact on our field and our patients. However, I am also acutely aware of the challenges that lie ahead – the arduous journey of going from concept to fruition is fraught with obstacles ranging from funding constraints to logistical hurdles.
Over the years, I have come to appreciate the iterative nature of the scientific process – the constant cycle of hypothesis generation, experimentation, and refinement. I have learned to temper my enthusiasm with a dose of pragmatism, recognizing that most ideas will not see the light of day, let alone bear fruit. I am frequently reminded that progress is often incremental, rather than revolutionary.
In this season of renewal, I find myself engaged in a different form of spring cleaning – not of physical clutter but of intellectual excess. I am compelled to trim the list of my research interests and to focus my energies on those projects that are most likely to yield tangible results and have the greatest potential for funding and impact.
Yet, even as I pare down my list, I remain committed to fostering opportunities for others – to mentorship and collaboration and to nurturing the next generation of researchers who will carry the torch forward. As I embark on my own spring-cleaning journey this year, I do so with a sense of anticipation and curiosity, eager to rediscover the ideas and opportunities that lie buried beneath the clutter of my meeting notes. For in the act of sifting through the detritus of the past, I will create space for the seeds of the future that will hopefully take root. And in the process, I reaffirm my commitment to the relentless pursuit of knowledge and discovery, ensuring that the cycle of renewal continues unabated, year after year, and will take comfort that this process will pave the way for new therapies for the patients we serve.
Risk of T-Cell Malignancies After CAR-T Therapy
The Current Situation
In November 2023, the FDA released a communication about the risks of T-cell malignancies after CAR-T therapy because complications were reported through the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS). In collaboration with representatives from ASTCT, EBMT, ISCT, and the Parker Cancer Institute as well as other clinicians and investigators, CIBMTR responded to the FDA’s communication, providing information from published medical literature and expert opinion.
Subsequently, in February 2024, Nicole Verdun, MD, and Peter Marks, MD, PhD, described 22 patients who developed malignancy of T-cell origin after receiving treatment with CAR-T cells and who were voluntarily reported to the FDA . The 14 cases with available information occurred within 2 years of infusion. Three cases demonstrated the CAR transgene in the malignant cells, confirming the association of the CAR with the development of this cancer.
During the 2024 Tandem Meetings, Mark P. Hamilton, MD, PhD, presented at the Late Breaking Abstract session (LB02) an extensive genomic analysis of a case of T-cell malignancy after CAR-T treatment with no association with the CAR. Thus, the magnitude of the risk of CAR-T-associated T-cell malignancies remains uncertain. Most immunotherapies, including HCT, and chemotherapies have an increased risk of the development of second primary malignancies (SPMs). Determining the risks is crucial for treatment decisions and patient counseling.
History of CAR-T Outcomes Reporting
The approval of CAR-T cells was based on their activity against cancer, based on efficacy outcomes. The FDA has specific guidance that all recipients of genetically modified products, which include CAR-T cells and some types of gene therapies, are required to be followed for 15 years due to the potential risks of SPM and to understand other potential late effects. This guidance served as a cornerstone for the development of the CIBMTR's cellular therapy database, launched in 2016.
With the approval of the first two CAR-T cell products for the standard of care treatment of ALL and diffuse large B-cell lymphomas in 2017, CIBMTR’s infrastructure was utilized to fulfill the regulatory requirement for 15-year follow-up and monitoring for SPMs. This approach was created as prospective observational post-authorization safety studies (PASS). Leveraging existing infrastructure derived from HCT data collection, the approach was rapidly implemented and adopted by treatment centers. Currently, all commercial CAR-T therapies in the US are using this approach for 15 years of follow-up. The data from the PASS are shared with manufacturers for regulatory reporting.
Despite the success of this approach, it depends on voluntary reporting from centers. It is estimated that 50 to 65% of commercial CAR-T cells are reported to CIBMTR depending on the product. As follow-up accumulates for the more than 13,000 CAR-T cell recipients reported to date, it is important to have a multi-stakeholder approach to ascertain the true risk of SPM, especially of T-cell origin.
Looking to the Future
CIBMTR is focused on assessing the risk of these SPMs, timing, subtypes of malignancies, and risk factors. The challenges require a broad approach of educating patients, physicians, and data managers at the sites as well as collaborating with patient support groups, professional societies, and manufacturers. Led by the ACT Stakeholder’s Council this year, this initiative’s objectives are to address the magnitude of risk of these complications and to create an integrated approach to recognize and capture these events.
Immunobiology Working Committee

Pictured left to right: Shahinaz Gadalla, Meilun He, Stephanie Lee, Brian Betts, Jennifer Saultz, Cara Benjamin, Yung-Tsi Bolon, and Tao Wang.
Committee Leadership
- Esteban Arrieta-Bolaños, Universitatsklinikum Essen KMT, Germany
- Shahinaz Gadalla, Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics, NIH-NCI Clinical Genetics Branch, Rockville, MD
- Brian Betts, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, NY
- Cara Benjamin, University of Miami/Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, Miami, FL
Scientific Director:
- Stephanie Lee, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA
- Yung-Tsi Bolon, CIBMTR NMDP, Minneapolis, MN
Statistical Director:
- Tao Wang, CIBMTR MCW, Milwaukee, WI
- Meilun He, CIBMTR NMDP, Minneapolis, MN
Working Committee Training & Leadership Program Participant:
- Jennifer Saultz, Knight Cancer Institute, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR
The Immunobiology Working Committee is CIBMTR’s largest committee by study volume. Since our last newsletter article in 2022, we welcomed new Immunobiology Working Committee Co-Chairs Esteban Arrieta-Bolaños (who replaced Steven Marsh), Cara Benjamin (who joined us from the Graft Sources and Manipulation Working Committee), and Jennifer Saultz (who is our Working Committee Training & Leadership Program participant).
The Immunobiology Working Committee conducts studies that focus on the genetic / epigenetic and immune interactions affecting patient outcomes post-transplant, including major and minor histocompatibility complex matching, natural killer and T cell repertoire, cytokines / chemokines, genomics, and immune-response determinants. The committee's studies also include comparisons of clinical outcomes from different donor types to inform donor choice (e.g., mismatched related versus unrelated donors) and exploration of novel biostatistical and analytic approaches to investigate the impact of various HLA mismatches. About one third of the committee’s studies require sample testing. View current sample inventory and request samples from the Immunobiology Research Program using the instructions available on
The Immunobiology Working Committee has 18 studies currently in progress, some in collaboration with other research organizations, such as EBMT and the International Histocompatibility Working Group (IHWG). Examples of ongoing studies include investigation of HLA evolutionary diversity, immunopeptidome divergence in haploidentical transplant, effects of HLA-DP mismatching in the era of post-transplant cyclophosphamide (PTCy), donor choice (younger mismatched unrelated donor vs older haploidentical donor), and monoallelic germline variants in DNA damage repair genes in outcomes of aplastic anemia on post-transplant outcomes. Some high impact studies published in the past two years reported:
- A matched unrelated donor is preferred over a haploidentical donor when using PTCy-based GVHD prophylaxis for patients with lymphoma;
- Consideration of the immunopeptidome (PBM), specifically PBM-GVH mismatches, informs mortality risks after single class I HLA-mismatched unrelated donor HCT;
- Class II haplotypes predict risk of relapse in the haploidentical setting with lower risk for DRβ-86 GlyGly patients when the donor was GlyVal;
- Class I minor histocompatibility antigens DLRCKYISL (GSTP), WEHGPTSLL (CRISPLD2), and STSPTTNVL (SERPINF2) were associated with increased GVHD mortality, decreased leukemia-free survival, and increased disease-related mortality;
- JAK2V617F mutation status, allele burden, or identified mosaic chromosomal alterations were not associated with disease progression / relapse, non-relapse mortality, or overall survival post-transplant in primary myelofibrosis patients;
- No difference in transplant outcomes based on number and type of mismatched alleles;
- NKG2D ligand / receptor pairings may improve survival in haploidentical patients with lower relapse in with NKG2D-72Thr donors than with 72Ala donors;
- No difference in graft failure or outcomes based on KIR-matching in haploidentical and cord blood transplants for leukemia; and
- KIR genotype-driven strategies for matched unrelated donor selection in AML do not predict outcome.
The Immunobiology Working Committee has a strong publication record with 18 manuscripts published since 2022 in journals such as the Journal of Clinical Oncology, Blood, Leukemia, and Nature Communications. A complete list of the committee’s publications is available online.
Successful proposals start with our research community members. The committee depends on novel clinical and scientific questions with clear preliminary data and testable hypotheses. We rely on the participation of diverse individuals with varying perspectives and scientific backgrounds; therefore, the Immunobiology Working Committee encourages investigators to submit new and bold proposals during the solicitation period in the Fall. Working committee meetings convene annually at the Tandem Meetings of ASTCT and CIBMTR, although other venues for interaction are also available. All investigators with an interest in immunology, immunobiology, and human genetics are welcome to become actively involved with this committee or to contact leadership or staff to learn more or to discuss your research ideas and proposals. We look forward to interacting with you and seeing you at our meetings!
Plasma Cell Disorders Working Committee
Heather Landau |
Taiga Nishihori |
Yvonne Efebera |
Marcelo Pasquini |
Othman Salim Akhtar |
Ruta Brazauskas |
Temitope Oloyede |
Committee Leadership
- Heather Landau, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
- Taiga Nishihori, Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL
- Yvonne Efebera, MPH; OhioHealth, Columbus, OH
Senior Scientific Director:
- Marcelo Pasquini, CIBMTR MCW, Milwaukee, WI
Scientific Director:
- Othman Salim Akhtar, CIBMTR MCW, Milwaukee, WI
Statistical Director:
- Ruta Brazauskas, CIBMTR MCW, Milwaukee, WI
- Temitope Oloyede, CIBMTR MCW, Milwaukee, WI
Multiple myeloma is the most common indication for autologous HCT in the US, and the recent development of B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA)-directed CAR T-cell therapy has dramatically changed the treatment landscape of multiple myeloma. The Plasma Cell Disorders Working Committee collaborates with investigators from around the world to define the optimal utilization of transplantation and CAR T-cell therapy for not only multiple myeloma but also other plasma cell disorders, such as light chain amyloidosis, Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia, monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance / monoclonal gammopathy of clinical significance, POEMS syndrome, and plasma cell leukemia.
We have several ongoing projects exploring risk factors and characteristics of second primary malignancies following autologous HCT for multiple myeloma; differences in outcomes on myeloma treatment worldwide; and outcomes of autologous HCT for light chain deposition disease, a rare plasma cell disorder. In addition, the committee has multiple ongoing studies reporting real-world outcomes with idecabtagene vicleucel, an anti-BCMA CAR T-cell therapy for patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma that was approved in March 2021. These studies will have several practice-changing implications and include the largest series of patients that were either under-represented or excluded from the pivotal clinical trials. In addition, an ongoing study is looking to develop a predictive model for prolonged cytopenia following anti-BCMA CAR T-cell therapy in patients with multiple myeloma.
The committee’s noteworthy accomplishments since our last newsletter in 2022 include two peer-reviewed publications, two presentations at the ASH Annual Meeting, and one presentation at the Tandem Meetings. The committee also welcomed two new chairs: Taiga Nishihori joined as Co-Chair of the committee in 2023, and Yvonne Efebera joined as our newest Co-Chair in 2024.
For the 2024 Tandem Meetings, we received 43 proposals, of which 29 (multiple proposals combined into 9 proposals) were presented at the Tandem Meetings. Two of these proposals, which included a combined 22 proposals, were accepted as working committee studies.
The Plasma Cell Disorders Working Committee always seeks interesting and novel ideas for study, and committee leadership encourages the involvement of junior investigators and those wanting to break into the HCT and outcomes research field. We believe early involvement encourages long-term participation of young investigators in committee activities. The committee’s vision is to keep the positive feedback loop alive and have it lead to greater national and international integration of transplant- as well as CAR T-related research that accelerates the discovery of cures for patients afflicted by these diseases.
The Plasma Cell Disorders Working Committee encourages all investigators with an interest in these diseases to propose a study. Information on how to propose a study can be found on CIBMTR's Propose a Working Committee Study webpage.
To learn more or discuss your research ideas and proposals, contact one of the members of the working committee leadership team. We encourage our more than 600 current committee members to actively participate. We look forward to your participation next February at the 2025 Tandem Meetings.
2024 Tandem Meetings

By Alicia Halfmann and Maira Brey
We’re thrilled to announce that a total of 5,321 attendees from 58 countries joined us in person and virtually for the 2024 Tandem Meetings, held for the first time in San Antonio, TX, at the Henry B. González Convention Center!
Program Co-Chairs Chris Kanakry, MD, and Alan Hanash, MD, PhD, along with the Scientific Organizing Committee, put together a robust educational program consisting of 6 plenary sessions and 9 concurrent sessions. The meetings also included 3 breakfast symposia and 4 luncheon symposia, 12 oral abstract sessions, 10 product and innovation theaters, 662 posters with a Meet-The-Authors Reception, 11 CIBMTR Working Committee meetings and a CIBMTR Collaborative Session, 8 ASTCT Spotlight Sessions, and 8 Meet the Professor sessions. In addition to an outstanding scientific program, Tandem Meetings Tracks were again held for administrative directors, advanced practice providers, pediatrics, BMT CTN coordinators, clinical research professionals / data managers, information technologists and informatics professionals, nurses, and pharmacists; new this year was the infectious disease track!
2024 CIBMTR Distinguished Service Award recipient: Xiao-Jun Huang, MD
2024 ASTCT Lifetime Achievement Award recipient: Gérard Socié, MD, PhD
Mortimer M. Bortin Lecture: Robert J. Soiffer, MD: In Search of the Holy Grail: Uncoupling GVL and GVH – Déjà Vu All Over Again?
Click here for more information.
E. Donnall Thomas Lecture: John F. DiPersio, MD, PhD: Is Stem Cell Transplantation in 2023 Just Copacetic?
Click here for more information.
There were several networking opportunities offered including the Tandem Meetings Welcome Reception, the Poster Reception: Meet the Authors, the Tandem Meetings Closing Reception, and more.
Thank you!
On behalf of the Tandem Meetings of ASTCT & CIBMTR Planning Team, we wish to thank you for all your time, hard work, and dedication to the field; these meetings would not be successful without all of you.
We look forward to seeing you at the Hawaiʻi Convention Center in Honolulu, HI, February 12-15 with pre-conference on February 11 and post-conference on February 16, 2025!
Watch for details on the 2025 Tandem Meetings | Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT and CIBMTR in the coming months. Contact for information regarding support opportunities for next year’s meetings.
Join the conversation: #Tandem25
2024 Tandem Meetings: Clinical Research Professionals / Data Management Track
By Jillian Kissinger

Kristin Page, MD, MHS, MEd, presents, “Data Operations: A Year in Review,” during the 2024 Clinical Research Professionals / Data Management Track.
We had a very successful Clinical Research Professionals / Data Management Track at the 2024 Tandem Meetings I Transplantation & Cellular Therapy Meetings of ASTCT and CIBMTR in San Antonio, TX. Our hybrid track took place February 20-21 and was viewed by hundreds of in-person attendees as well as more than 400 virtual livestream participants.
Presentation highlights included Form Spotlights on AML, MDS, and MPN; Reporting Molecular Markers; and Disease Assessments, which were all very well received by attendees. Our Data Operations: A Year in Review presentation provided meaningful examples of how data managers and our data operations team have made a significant impact on CIBMTR’s mission and vision throughout this past year. We had a presentation on mCode and Modular to discuss the future of data collection; the annual Center-Specific Survival Analysis presentation; and functional area updates from Data Capture, Audit, FormsNet3, and Training. Additionally, we brought back the highly anticipated presentations, Excel Tips & Tricks for Data Managers, and Resources for Commonly Submitted CIBMTR Center Support Tickets.
We also featured a Best Practice Panel that included presentations in data management from Brandon Loudon from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Xiaobin Zhan from Auckland City Hospital-New Zealand, Rebecca Pesce from Pennsylvania Hospital, and Michael Clifford from the University of Chicago Medicine. These data managers presented various best practices, including information about how to build a better research professional, implement a data management system, perform internal CIBMTR audits, and standardize onboarding and training.
Sarah Hatley, RN, from Sarah Cannon Transplant and Cellular Therapy Network, Nashville, TN, received this year's award for best oral abstract for her presentation titled, "Creating a Standardized Report to Optimize Review of Internal CIBMTR Audits Across a Large Multi-Center Network."

Best Oral Abstract recipient, Sarah Hatley, RN, (right) poses for a photo with Eileen Tuschl, Director of CIBMTR MCW Data Operations (left).
Additional oral abstracts included:
- “Programmatic Data Analyst Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) Tracking within the Sarah Cannon Transplant and Cellular Therapy Network (SCTCTN) “– presented by Hector Zambrano from Sarah Cannon Transplant and Cellular Therapy Network in Nashville, TN
- "Project of a Dashboard Using Data From Data Back To Center For Affiliated Centers With CIBMTR” – presented by Heliz Regina Alves das Neves from Hospital de Clinicas – UFPR in Brazil
Presentation slides from the 2024 Clinical Research Professionals / Data Management Track are available on the CIBMTR Portal > Training & eLearning Tile > Tandem Meetings CRP/ DM Track. Recording files will be posted here in the coming months.
Special thank you to all who completed the evaluations! We use this feedback to improve our track and make it as meaningful and impactful as possible. We look forward to seeing you next year in Honolulu, HI!
Our Supporters
CIBMTR is supported primarily by Public Health Service U24CA076518 from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID); U24HL138660 from NHLBI and NCI; 75R60222C00008, 75R60222C00009, and 75R60222C00011 from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA); and N00014-23-1-2057 and N00014-24-1-2057 from the Office of Naval Research.
Additional federal support is provided by OT3HL147741, P01CA111412, R01CA100019, R01CA218285, R01CA231141, R01CA231838, R01CA262899, R01AI128775, R01AI150999, R01AI158861, R01HL155741, R21AG077024, U01AI069197, U01AI126612, U24HL157560, and UG1HL069254.
Support is also provided by Boston Children’s Hospital; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center; Gateway for Cancer Research, Inc.; Jeff Gordon Children’s Foundation; Medical College of Wisconsin; NMDP; NYU Grossman School of Medicine; PBMTF; Rush University Medical Center; St. Baldricks’s Foundation; Stanford University; Stichting European Myeloma Network (EMN); and from the following commercial entities: AbbVie; Actinium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Adaptive Biotechnologies Corporation; ADC Therapeutics; Adienne SA; Alexion; AlloVir, Inc.; Amgen, Inc.; Astellas Pharma US; AstraZeneca; Atara Biotherapeutics; BeiGene; BioLineRX; Blue Spark Technologies; bluebird bio, inc.; Blueprint Medicines; Bristol Myers Squibb Co.; CareDx Inc.; CSL Behring; CytoSen Therapeutics, Inc.; DKMS; Elevance Health; Eurofins Viracor, DBA Eurofins Transplant Diagnostics; Gamida-Cell, Ltd.; Gift of Life Biologics; Gift of Life Marrow Registry; GlaxoSmithKline; HistoGenetics; Incyte Corporation; Iovance; Janssen Research & Development, LLC; Janssen/Johnson & Johnson; Jasper Therapeutics; Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Karius; Kashi Clinical Laboratories; Kiadis Pharma; Kite, a Gilead Company; Kyowa Kirin; Labcorp; Legend Biotech; Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals; Med Learning Group; Medac GmbH; Merck & Co.; Mesoblast; Millennium, the Takeda Oncology Co.; Miller Pharmacal Group, Inc.; Miltenyi Biotec, Inc.; MorphoSys; MSA-EDITLife; Neovii Pharmaceuticals AG; Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation; Omeros Corporation; OptumHealth; Orca Biosystems, Inc.; OriGen BioMedical; Ossium Health, Inc.; Pfizer, Inc.; Pharmacyclics, LLC, An AbbVie Company; PPD Development, LP; REGiMMUNE; Registry Partners; Rigel Pharmaceuticals; Sanofi; Sarah Cannon; Seagen Inc.; Sobi, Inc.; Stemcell Technologies; Stemline Technologies; STEMSOFT; Takeda Pharmaceuticals; Talaris Therapeutics; Vertex Pharmaceuticals; Vor Biopharma Inc.; Xenikos BV.
The views expressed in this newsletter do not reflect the official policy or position of the National Institute of Health, the Department of the Navy, the Department of Defense, HRSA, or any other agency of the US Government.