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Relationship of race/ethnicity and survival after single and double umbilical cord blood transplantation.

Study #: HS16-03

Study Status: Published


2022, ASH (Oral)
2023, Tandem (Poster)

Impact of Race/Ethnicity on Outcomes after Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation.


Ballen K, Wang T, He N, Knight JM, Hong S, Frangoul H, Verdonck LF, Steinberg A, Diaz MA, LeMaistre CF, Badaway SM, Pu JJ, Hashem H, Savani B, Sharma A, Lazarus HM, Abid MB, Tay J, Rangarajan HG, Kindwall-Keller T, Freytes CO, Beitinjaneh A, Winestone LE, Gergis U, Farhadfar N, Bhatt NS, Schears R, Gómez-Almaguer D, Aljurf M, Agrawal V, Kuwatsuka Y, Seo S, Marks DI, Lehmann L, Wood WA, Hashmi S, Saber W.

Transplantation and Cellular Therapy. 2024, Jul 19: (): . doi: 10.1016/j.jtct.2024.07.009. Epub 2024, Jul 19. PMCID:.


PMID: 39033978
