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Cytomegalovirus infection and relapse after hematopoietic cell transplantations bone marrow/peripheral blood.

Study #: IN12-01a

Study Status: Published


2014, ASH (Oral)

Early cytomegalovirus reactivation remains associated with increased transplant related mortality in the current era: A CIBMTR analysis.


Teira P, Battiwalla M, Ramanathan M, Barrett AJ, Ahn KW, Chen M, Green JS, Saad A, Antin JH, Savani BN, Lazarus HM, Seftel M, Saber W, Marks D, Aljurf M, Norkin M, Wingard JR, Lindemans CA, Boeckh M, Riches ML, Auletta JJ.

Blood. 2016, May 19: 127(20): 127(20):2427-2438. doi: 10.1182/blood-2015-11-679639. Epub 2016, Feb 16. PMCID:PMC4874224.


PMID: 26884374
